NYT on animal vision

I wasn’t going to post this pointer to New York Times, assuming most people had either already read or decided not to. Yet, the details of the article and the research behind it are just too good to not share. Science continues to blow me away …
If this is behind a paywall or identify stealing wall that you’d chose not to pay … I totally get it.
A Bird’s-Eye View of a Technicolor World – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Dr. Hanley and his colleagues have created a video camera system that creates moving representations of how other creatures see colors, such as how a spider perched on a flower might look to a honeybee. The resulting videos, which were published on Tuesday as part of a new study, give human viewers a rough animal-eye view of nature. “You actually can look at the world in new and interesting ways,” Dr. Hanley said.CreditCredit…