Unintended consequences of good fences
Robert Frost wrote, “He says again, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’” (Source) I wonder which fences and which neighbors he really meant. In an early post about Mark and Delia Owens’ experience in Botswana, the impact of fences on the wildebeest migrations were mentioned – a horrific consequence killing 10s of thousands of migrating animals….
Stonehenge – a new study
Stonehenge has more stories and narratives about its purpose than most of us can process, let alone remember. A new finding published in Journal of Archeological Science blew me away. They didn’t focus on the stones’ origins or the religious or political implications, but the acoustics. They built a model and tested sounds. The abstract:…
Do bees and flowers communicate?
A recent publication from SyFy builds on research published at the American Physical Society (APS). The reachers’ main point is that bees and flowers communicate electronically. Here is the published summary / abstract from the APS: Electricity is everywhere and is essential to the functioning of life. Understanding how organisms organise themselves using the natural…
One cost of eating meat
Trying to eat less and less meat seems like a great idea, right? Who can without remorse and regret eat an animal that was probably born, raised and killed for the sole purpose of being eaten. Sounds a bit amoral and just ethically incorrect, at least in my opinion. There are health reasons why one…