Heroes, cults, & flawed humans

Heroes, cults, & flawed humans

Heroes are double-edged swords. There is something in our cultural (biological?) makeup that pushes us to identify with heroes – especially in western cultures. The word “hero” has an interesting etymology: The word hero comes from the Greek ἥρως (hērōs), “hero” (literally “protector” or “defender”), particularly one such as Heracles with divine ancestry or later given divine honors. Before the decipherment of Linear B the original…

Picts stonework art

DNA suggests Picts were residents, not immigrants

An article in Exploresweb referenced a DNA study of two Picts’ and concluded that contrary to popular opinions, the Picts were most likely Iron Age residents in northern England, not immigrants from continental Europe. Picts history (Wikipedia) is fascinating as is most prehistorical research that relies on either physical artifacts, oral history or much later…